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SFB574 Retreat (1st / 2nd, October 2009)

On October 1 and 2, the SFB 574 “Volatiles and fluids in subduction zones” has held its retreat 2009 at the Akademie Sankelmark near Flensburg. The 52 participants enjoyed two days of scientific discussions stimulated by the presentations of the 12 projects as well as by Roland von Huene and Eduardo Contreras as visiting guests. These presentations have demonstrated that the research in central Chile, the new work area of the SFB in its third phase, is making excellent progress. Moreover, the retreat provided a great opportunity to better integrate the 20 new members who have entered the SFB during the past year.

The data management team (Carsten Schirnick, Dirk Fleischer, Pina Springer) and the SFB public outreach project (Mareike Wilms, Joachim Dengg) used the retreat to present their concepts and plans to the SFB audience, hopefully triggering active response and participation in the near future. The Extended Executive Board met on the first evening to discuss the organization of research activities for the next year such as the RV SONNE cruise offshore Chile Sept 21 to Nov 1, 2010, and the next SFB retreat to be held subsequently in Chile jointly with our Chilean partners. During the SFB General Assembly on the second day, Peter Linke presented details about the SONNE cruise and Heidi Wehrmann introduced the newly designed SFB 574 website.

Once again the retreat was very successful in fostering scientific discussions across the different projects, thereby identifying cross-overs that may ultimately serve to integrate the individual results into a common scientific model of subduction processes.

The participants of our Retreat 2009: 


Hour Thu Oct 1
08:00 Depart IFM-GEOMAR
08:30 Depart CAU
10:00 Arrival Sankelmark
10:15 Address by Speaker
10:30 A1
11:00 B3
11:30 C2
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 A2
13:30 R. v. Huene
14:00 C5
14:30 B5
15:00 B6
15:15 Coffee
16:00 Data management
16:30 Diskussion data management
17:30 Poster & Beer           /            Ext. Exec. Board meeting
18:30 Dinner

Hour Fri Oct 2
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 A5
09:30 Contreras
10:00 SFB outreach (Wilms/Dengg)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 SFB General Assembly
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 C4
13:30 Gasflux (K. Garofalo)
14:00 N01
14:30 C1
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Concluding Discussion
16:00 Departure
appr. 17:30 Arrival Kiel

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