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Implications for other topics

Our tephrostratigraphic studies also yielded benefits for other research topics. Correlated marine ash layers allowed to constrain ages of submarine landslides at the forearc (collaboration with B2). We used intercalated ash layers to determine, for the first time, the age and duration (of order 104 years) of active and inactive phases of mud and carbonate mounds and constrain their minimum life times to several hundred ka (collaboration with A1 and B-projects). We collaborated with B3 in the investigation of submarine ash alteration, particularly for silicic ashes. Our identification of lacustrine ash beds for the ICDP Petén Itzá Scientific Drilling Project (Guatemala) facilitates the extension of the obtained paleoclimatological record much further back in time. Finally, our work yielded a date of 2 ka for the Huellas de Acahualinca archeological site in Nicaragua.

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