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Abstract of Cruises Sonne 173-3 and 173-4 "Subduction II", 03.09. - 29.09.2003

Cruise SO173 was planned to conduct work along the Central American Continental Margin, to investigate particle input, mobilization and reflux of volatiles through the subduction zone. The work was...


Chief Scientist:

SO173-3: Prof. Dr. Erwin Suess

SO173-4: Prof. Dr. Erwin Suess

SO173-3, 1. Weekly report (03.09. - 10.09.2003)

On 3-4 September the containers and equipment were unloaded and loaded during the port stop at Caldera (Costa Rica) under rainy skies and humid, 30° C temperatures. Thunderstorms and heavy rain...

SO173-3, 2. Weekly report (11.09. - 17.09.2003)

At the beginning of the week starting 11 September work in the area of "New Mounds" centered at two active structures: "Mound Carablanca" and "Mound Morpho". The...

SO173-4, 3rd and last weekly report (18.09. - 29.09.2003)

After exchanging several crew members, scientists and guests, welcoming the lander-team on board, and loading air freight, FS SONNE departed Caldera in the evening of 18 September and took course to...

Events Events

Kieler Wissenschaftler fühlen den 'Puls der Erde'

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Buch zum Sonderforschungsbereich über Naturkatastrophen am GEOMAR vorgestellt

Wie funktioniert die Recyclingmaschine der Erde?

Nach elf Jahren endet der Kieler Sonderforschungsbereich 574 zu Subduktionszonen

Final colloquium of SFB 574

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The Lübeck Retreat, May 23-25, 2012

Teilprojekt Öffentlichkeitsarbeit