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SFB 574 Seminars 2012




31/05/2012 Karen Strehlow (C4) Magmatic evolution and eruption history of 2900 years old plinian Alpehuè Tephra, Sollipulli Caldera, southern Chile
16/05/2012 Heidi Wehrmann (C2) Probabilites of future eruptions at the CAVA and the SVZ - a times series approach
16/05/2012 David Gilbert (C4) Puyehue-Cordón Caulle: a history of critical magma chambers
16/05/2012 Florian Scholz (B5) Submarine weathering and subduction dewatering across the Central Chilean forearc (~36°S)
10/05/2012 Steffen Kutterolf (C4) Bromine in Plinian eruptions: A paleo-ozone killer?
10/05/2012 Cindy Mora Stock (PAM/A1) Multiparameter volcano surveillance in south central Chile: near real-time approach
10/05/2012 David Völker (A1) Controlling factors on submarine mass wasting off Central Chile
26/03/2012 Ines Irion (B5) Changing magma chamber conditions during the Pleistocene Plinian eruptions of Cao Grande (Santo Antao, Cape Verde)
01/03/2012 Julie Schindelbeck (C4) Holocene post-caldera magma evolution of Llaima volcano
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Kieler Wissenschaftler fühlen den 'Puls der Erde'

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Final colloquium of SFB 574

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The Lübeck Retreat, May 23-25, 2012

Teilprojekt Öffentlichkeitsarbeit