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Abstract of Cruises Sonne 173-3 and 173-4 "Subduction II", 03.09. - 29.09.2003

Cruise SO173 was planned to conduct work along the Central American Continental Margin, to investigate particle input, mobilization and reflux of volatiles through the subduction zone. The work was conducted under the special research project SFB574, aiming to research climate development, geochemical evolution and atmosphere, as well as trigger mechanisms of natural hazards. Subduction zones are key areas to investiagate influx and reflux of solid and fluid material through the earth's mantle and crust system, which rereleases some of the material into the seawater and atmosphere, but also keeps large parts of subducted material stored in the mantle. To determine the relative proportions of these fluxes and their mechanisms is an important research goal for the SFB574. The internal construcion of the crust as well as its physical and kinetik properties are cruicial to understand many of the parameters influencing subduction and reflux. It is therfore planned to map, measure and sample the area of investigation with the RV Sonne to gain insight into these complex systems.

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